
b8ikm4rfv.abghalim.hati@blogger.com Your bloo.d cho+lesterol le*vel has +a lot to do with' you'r chances o.f gettin_g heart d,isease... more In _some cases-, *erectile dy.sfunction m+ay be an e,arly signal' of heart or- blood vess'el disease. + -Tobacco and alcohol, ab,use can dam*age bloo'd vessels or, restrict blo,od fl_ow to your+ penis. Plants s-uch as poi+son ivy, oak- an.d sumac +are the most co_mmon sk+in allergy t'riggers. Watc+h out! _Most pai+nkillers, when_ use_d properly+ under a medica_l doctor's su_per-vision, are safe .& effectiv.e. Is yo,ur asthm'a preventin.g you from+ exercisi_ng? It does_n't have to! K*eep on mov'ing! Asth'ma i_s a seve*re disease ,affecting pe,ople of all age.s,+ but most often +starting' in chi_ldhood. Theophyl'line has be'en, used for s_ome asthmatics' in the past b_u-t is not used* as ofte,n anymore. C-ould the nex+t craze be, 'quite liter+ally', nuts? A stud,y conclu-ded that, nuts lower cho+leste.rol. The m.ost common ind-oor/outdoor ,allergy tr,iggers are.: tr+ee, grass and, weed po_llen & mold_ spore's. How much w,eight .would you li.ke to loose as _a re+sult of obes,ity tre_atment? It',s all possible,* man.. People who a,re al-lergic to pollen or. latex m.ay experie_nce proble*ms when' eating so,me foods. An*tibiotic asso,ciated* diarrhea can 'occur_ within two. days of c-ompleting+ a course of tr,eatme+nt. Cholest_erol,_ a chemical compo,und -produced by the b+ody, is a+ combinat*ion of fat a_nd ster.oid. People* who are ob'ese are ,at a much *higher risk, for seriou_s medical _conditions a-n_d diseases. Knowin.g e+verything about* asthma an,d its sy+mptoms .doesn't g-ive a guar.antee of prot*ection.* You may be given. other *medicine's| such a.s anti-epilepti_c drugs- to take wit_h your pa,inkillers. H'ay feve.r… These- two littl-e words t.urn my life upside .dow'n every y'ear! But now' it's over-! Exposure to l_at.ex allergen alon-e is- responsib'le for over 200- cases of an-aph'ylaxis allergy each* yea'r. A ma+jor cause of s,evere a*sthma is cigarette' smo-ke, either 1st .or 2nd h+and. Avoid s,moking! Ant-ibio'tics are so+me of the most. popula-r and widely_ use.d medicati_ons all ove'r the world! St*udi,es show th+at men betwee.n the ages of 40. and 70 f*ace sever.e problems w*ith ,potency. Yo-ur asthma* managem*ent plan is suppos*ed *to include t+he medica_tions used for 'quick _relief! U-nemployment an_d impotenc.e probl*ems are major .cause's of dep,ression and+ suicide in me.n. Ameri,cans spend $,10 billi+on a year .on choles'terol lower.ing drugs. Th+ink abou't your mon,ey! I'm n'ot going to di_scuss_ the basics of' aller,gy treatment. _A reason+able person+ already kn'ows it! Obe*sity's prob,ably +the only +disease -that can be c-aused by +negative 'emotions ,only. Be ver.y careful! Sede.ntary way 'of life+ is one *of the most, popula'r reasons for pe,ople to ga.in extra. weight an_d suffer+. Impote+nce medication ,is 50% free *this month+! Don't m'iss this ama+zing op.portuni-ty! If you su-ddenly fa_ces i_mpotence, don+'t pani,c, slow down a'nd go bac-k to foreplay. .It may wor_k! If y+our chi'ld is prescr+ibed p,ainkillers, 'be sure the med+icine is* take-n according to i_nstructions!, Acute+ urticaria i,s common, _affecting *10 - 20% +of the* population at +some time *in their* lives. L+oss of ere-ction is rever.sible; on'e can usually' retu'rn to 'a previous lev*el of arousal i.n .some time. -Choleste-rol doesn't cause s,ymptoms,- peo+ple often think th+ei_r cholesterol' is ok when i+t's not. Eve*n if you* can bear- the pain_ it's better t' stop' it with pain' killing med-ication. that to s.uffer. A f,airly 'comprehensive lis*t of alte'rn.ative tests_ and therap-ies for food al+lergies.' Find +out more now!+ Antibio.tics eff-ectively prevent a'ny bacteria_l infec.tions fro,m spreadi-ng over your' organism.. High -blood press.ure can b,e caused 'by being obese a-nd overweigh_t-. Think about* your he+alth! Many people* report diz-ziness a*s a co*mmon symptom fol+l*owing admin'istration of p*ainkil-lers. Ast'hma symptoms .vary ranging fro+m mild epi-sodes o*f breath+lessness to per*sis,tent wheezing., Skin cont*act with dust+ mite a_llerg-en, certain fo,ods or l_atex may tri.gger sym'ptoms o*f skin allerg+y. There're som,e tr_icks that those _with' asthma c'an employ tha.t will h.elp their asthm*a symptoms.. High bl.ood cholest*erol is on_e of the ma-jor ri.sk factors_ for heart d*isease*. Learn mo*re now! Possib*le asthma a*ttack trig+gers inc+lude vira,l infections., smoke, pa,int fum,es and dust m,ites. +Unfortunat+ely, antibiot*ics do not' cure the com,mon *cold, flu or a_ny other bad* viral _infe,ctions. Is your .weigh't-loss prog-ram effe*ctive? How much we'ight do .you loose mon,thly? Tr-y a n+ew method Low .gastric .acid s*ecretion an.d intestinal ov_ergrow,th of yeast may _contribute +to allerg'y o'nset. Food +allergy is mor'e com*mon among chil-dren. ,And penicillin. is the ,most commo*n allergy- trigger.' According *to the Na.tional Audit Of+fice, be-ing ob.ese can take up+ to ni_ne years off yo.ur lifespan. +M*en can find it hard- to talk +about 'physical disc.omfort or e,moti'onal distress w,ith ph*ysician_s. Asthma cau_ses recurr*ing period's of wheez_ing, shortn,ess of breat_h, and chest -tightness.. .Smoke is a po.werful trig_ger of asthm'a sympto_ms. Take ca,re of the ,air you b.reathe in! Wha_t ,are the top 5 sec,rets of n.atural m-edicine that wo*rk miracl.es- on your p-otency? Too much _chol.esterol in y,our body is a ma*jor fact+or f+or heart disease. ,Th*ink about it, ma.n! Today* the er.a of ultimate- masc_uline perfo_rmance begin_s! Discover th*e ne_w medication! *How risky .is it for p_eople wit-h foo-d allergies to +eat out?- This arti,cle explor.es the ri.sks and h+orrors Little chil-dren, should not su'ffer* from allerg.ic diseases! -That's why +we sell t,his dru-g at 50%! A+pproxi'mately 3 mi,llion children un'der, age 18 years 'were +reported to have *a fo-od allergy. Gosh!+ There is 'no ideal ,medi.cation for- potency impr,ovement ,but this amaz*ing ,discovery! About 5+0 million_ peop'le in the United' States 'suffe,r from some form o.f allergy+ and as-thma. Negativ_e nerve i*mpuls*es originating _in the brain. often ca,use erectil_e. dysfunction_ in adult men. B.oys ar*e twice as lik,ely to d,evelo.p severe asthm'a as g,irls, but t-he exact r*eason is unknown_. Is your* asthm-a preventing you_ from- exercisin-g? It does-n't have t*o! Keep* on moving! W_hat mak,es you whee_ze or coug'h? What is -more im_portant is how, to stop' an asthma a,ttack!' What is most imp_ortant in_ obesity tre_atment -is losing wei.ght* gradually & main.taining. weight 'loss. Painkiller's are p-rescrib,ed for pain reli+ef, e*.g. after, surger,y and are only avai.lable by* pr'escription. If y*ou have early' warnin-g si.gns or symptom*s, you- should take -more asthma me'dication.+ Obesity +can stri*ke not onl+y adults' but alsp+ children and, adolescents too_. Take car*e -of your family! W'e ne.ed choleste_rol, but too *much of .it can i+ncrease ou'r risk of de,veloping heart +disea,se. Yo_u may get ti-red quicker than *everybo,dy else -of the same _age 'with you if you ,have asthma.- Nutrition, speciali_sts .are magic,ians that ca'n help achie.ve the weight ,of _your dream w.ithout a*ny risk. Your+ penis_ will be gratefu'l to you for *y.our care and a'ttentio'n! Try out' this little pil+l! In -this letter+ you will find. health ,agency's- monitoring of -obes*ity and +related dis'eases data., Obesity incre-ases your r'isk of d+evelopin_g age-re*lated macula-r dege,neration cataracts +& stroke'. Ast.hma is one of 3 'co'mmon causes' of chroni.c cough in* children. .Be careful* with your -kids. Look* for ways _that yo+u might be- distracting your,self durin-g sexual' activ'ity. Attention ma*tte,rs! Men at, some poin.t in their li,ves ha+ve difficulty+ getting or ke'epin-g erectio,ns. It's very nor-mal.- I don't n+eed neither _miracles, nor +magic* to have great s_ex -at the age of 5,5! All- I need i+s… There are t.wo majo,r drawbacks of. antibio+tics: bact*erial resist,ance an_d harmful s'ide effect-s! ED is inab*ilit+y to consistently _attain a'n erectio'n suffi_cient for sat_isfactory- sexual+ performance. Le.t y-ourself enjo+y amazing* sex with most b-eau*tiful women!- Say impote,nce Go_od Bye! In this l-etter- you will f+ind health ag,ency's m-onitorin.g of obesi*ty and relat*ed dise_ases data. We do*n't know wh,at i*t means to suf*fer *from asthma but -we know ,how to help t,hese people-. Antibio*tic.s aren't s+mart enough to d.estroy only t*he bad ba,cteria. *You shoul*d be .very attentive!* It is .not normal for a, ma_n to lose erec'tile functio.n comp_letely a*s a resul*t of the aging' proces.s. Tobacco and- alcohol ab_use can dam'age blood +vessel.s or restri*ct blood flow t*o y_our penis. F,ind ou't more abo*ut this pr'actical guide .to diagnosin,g, tre'ating, and liv-ing well .with food alle*rgies. *Some hea-lth centres o,ffer men's,-specific he.alt_h checks, b_ut they are not' popular en.ough. E+xperts thin*k that obes*ity m'ay cause, f*or the first *time in 200 .years, o'ur lif,e expectancy -to fall. Sur*veys sho_w that obe_sity is a lea'di,ng cause o*f preventab*le illness a.nd death in .North Ame+rica.. Alcohol, impoten-ce and subs,tance_ abuse ,is five times_ more common i,n m,en than in +women. I do -not wast,e time on. thinking about my_ sexu*al perfor_mance! I take *a pill .and have_ sex! Some _antibiotics' become le+ss effect'ive if they are -taken with +food.. Observe th*e instructions.! Hi_gh blood pressu+re ,can be caused by b,ein_g obese 'and overweight. Th*ink ab+out your+ health! Ke,ep an eye on* your +penis and its p'erformanc'e even i_f you have neve_r h+ad problems! Have -you,r father had prob'lems with_ p.otency? If ye*s, you *are in danger+! Hurry up to bu'y,… If a man experi+ences ,fear, he m*ay get an *erection, w_hich is _not due to sex_ual arousal, or plea+sure.. I promise y+ou that the m-edication +I'm talkin,g about will+ improv-e your- sexual life 5 ti-mes! 'Scientists have* found 'that some foods' (as -fish & walnuts)- can- help control_ you-r cholesterol. It, may ta,ke longer. for men to- achieve er_ections & may +require di_rect st+imul+ation and forepla+y. 'Our culture foste,rs the .tendency t'oward obesity-: physica+l acti,vity isn't re_quire,d in our society*. What medica,tions ar+e available +to lo.wer cholesterol., .lipids, and -triglyceride-s? All info's+ he.re! High ch-olesterol is one_ of t*he major c+ontrollable ris+k +factors for c.oronary' heart dis*ease. New m_edicine will hel_p prevent t-he symptoms+ from wor'sening 'and causing' an as,thma attack. T-he main di*fference of, thi+s impoten'ce treatment is th-at it _really w'orks! Se'e yourself! Narcoti*c pai,nkillers* decrease functio.ns withi*n the c.entral ner-vous system. Us'e s.afe drugs!* Overweight and o*bes,ity are t-he nightmares tha-t *frighten half t'he people a*ll over the .worl-d, friend. +That hea,dache excuse won'.t g*et her out o'f doing it to.nigh-t. Learn how sex i_mpr'oves your hea*lth. Lear_n more abo,ut asthm-a attacks. and why early tr+eatment is i-mportant_ to prev.ent asthma.! I always f,eel sorry. about o'bese & ov-erweight peopl-e. They ha*ve so many ,problem-s in their lif,e._ Cholester,ol levels in chi*ldren are l-inked _to three risk f*acto,rs: heredity, di*et +and obesity. Read+ 'more about go*od hygie*ne and pr.eventive car.e to reduce, infect+ions and asthma cha*nce. .Losing_ weight through a _healthy d,iet -and regular. exercise is .much b*etter than weight'-loss s-urgery. Me-n should *not attempt' intercourse _if they' are no+t in the _mood because' it can affect +potency. If_ you* have any k*ind of ere_ctile dysfunc+tion, we've+ foun'd a pro-duct that will hav.e .you in no t'ime. Every *man want.s to have ul'timate sexual- power as .long as po+ssible. B_ut life is t.ricky! An+tibiotics- can kill -most of the bac_teri*a in your+ body that -are sensitive to+ the.m. Good* and bad Scienti'sts have fo,und that, some foods- (as fish & ,wal*nuts) can he,lp contr'ol your choles_terol. Extra w'ei,ght is not a pr,oblem serio,us enoug,h to wo-rry about it th.at mu,ch. Solution's_ here! Hormon*es in a .man's bo-dy and othe-r seriou*s life c,hanges may. affect a man's .level of_ arousa+l. Rece.nt research f*inds that. use of high-d'ose opioids ,do.es not signi_ficantly increas+e risk of, death,. People who a*re obese ar'e at a _much higher *risk f_or serious me+dical co+nditions and _dis-eases. Contempora,ry environme*nt s s'o polluted,+ that allerg*ies ar+e obser*ved more and m,ore often.. Pain med+icines+ are also calle*d analges-ics. Every* type of pain_ medi,cine has bene-fits and r+isks. S*evere asthma att,acks may re_qu-ire emergency c'are, and th.ey can 'cause deat.h. Watch out!+ Most +men exper*ience erec,tile dysfunction, at o.ne time or* another. So y,ou are n-ot alone, +dude! A more e*ff_ective dose or a d*ifferent- drug _can be 'used if you dose i+s not +enough to stop 'pa*in. If you have a.sthm_a it is ve-ry important not_ to s+moke and kee+p away from, smoking pe_opl,e! When it seem-s that there. is n-o hope, look +around*. Someone is re'ady to give_ you a 'hand! +On many occasion.s, patie+nts have *asked me whether' exer_cise will h-elp pr+event asthma. D*octors a.re less like*ly t.o diagnose men _with depressio_n than wom-en. Now *think ,what's be.tter. Pain ,medicines are a+lso called+ analgesics.. E+very type o-f pain medi,cine has. benefits and *risks.- What are the- most popula_r methods .of e-rectile dysfuncti-on treat_ment? .Learn mor+e now! You should- never c-onsid-er weight-loss, surgery 'to be the, only chance *to conquer yo*ur ob'esity. Moving t_o anoth,er locat-ion is n.o guarant+ee of relief fo*r allergy s,ufferer_s. Don't ,hurry to. move. A ,kid suddenly devel*ops sh.ortness of* breath whe+n visiting' his gran_dmother w+ho has a cat+. Child,ren who r_eceive antibi-otic therapy wi_thin th-e first. two ye-ars of life ar-e prone to_ allergy. -A team 'of health -professionals wil,l *eagerly help y-ou treat & eli.minat-e obesity, no .need to _worry. How to _find out 'how many_ calo+ries you need to *take in da,ily to+ lose ,weight? The answer* is here! 'If *your family is f.ull of over.weigh+t peopl,e, try out our, new m-edication tha't helped h+undreds,. Today's youn*g peop,le need to' worry abo_ut getting sick & d,yi*ng sooner if they ,st*ill get obese. -Painkill+ers block pain, receptor.s in the br*ai'n and alleviate t+he sensation, of pain i*n the* body. What d+oes ast.hma feel like? 'Ca-n sex trigg-er asthma? L-earn the answe'rs to thes_e q,uestions! What* is your l+ifetime goal?' Is it ,restori*ng your *potency! Oh, man it-'s eas-y as A-B-C! .Your total -bod_y fat deter.mines your h,ealth co*ndition and your, wellbeing., What'-s about that,- ma_n? Should healt_hy peop+le take c'holestero_l-lowering_ drug even if .they have _no high choles+terol? C,holesterol, _a che*mical compoun'd prod'uced by the bo*dy, is a 'combination o'f* fat and s+teroid. Antibi_otic associated_ diar'rhea can _occur withi,n two days of- complet.ing a cours*e of treatmen't*. Why would your 'doc+tor shake hi-s head if your ch'olesterol_ report' says, trigly-cer.ide's high? It c+an be, helpful to ,know some facts. about pai.nkil-ling drugs whe'n you are st'arti_ng to take 'them. He-morrhage Heartz (-M_edium Dogs') [heartzm] (_Heartgard Plu,s, Ivermecti+n, Pyran_tel 'Pamoate) Immu.ne Booster p*rozac Evi.sta (Ralo,xifene)+ demolox evo-clin Diflucan -[dif,lucan] (Fluc*onazole, Tr+ican) ga*llstones slee-p aid ,Cialis Profe'ssional — ED,_ Erectile D.ysfunctio+n, Er.ection, Impotenc*e Z.yrtec (Cetirizin+e, Reac+tine, Alerce-t, Aler+gex, Aleri-d, Certex-24, Ce.trine, C,etzine, Cezi'n, H.istazine, Riztec,. Ryzen,, Tri+z, Virlix, Xer'o-sed, Z*irtin, Zyrzine) ,rhin.itis kof*let endomet_riosis JRA +zyloprim Atri_pla —+ HIV prilocaine D *Danaz*ol — Endome_triosis, Fer'tilit+y, Infert-ility, Fibrocystic +Breast D.ise+ase, Heredit+ary Angioed_ema Relaxation+ Aid eye i.nfection _Dysuria Alc.ohol Depende_nce Bet-apace —- Arrhythmia, Ven*tricula-r Arrhythmi_a, Tachycar*dia, Heart,_ H,ypertension, At,rial Fibri,llat-ion glibedal em*pyema Armour '(th+yroid, Natu+rethroid, W_esthroid, Qu_alitest, arm_our th'yroid) Q.uick Bust potas_sium, citrate colchisol *Shingles' sala*gen Ketoconazole +Crea.m [ketoco,nazolecream] (niz-o'ral, Kuric) ,brain abscess ,biklin Trip.hala gab_apen*tin omega-3+ fatty acid* sinquan Adala_t (Nife*dipine, Ad_alat CC, Adalat+, Procardi'a XL, Proc+ardi_a, Nifedi'cal) Ear Infectio.n aq+uazide h Soft. ED Pack (Vi.agra Sof*t Tabs + Ci.alis_ Soft Tabs-) [viagracialissof-t] (silden_af-il, tadalafil)' glucor Bay*er ASA. Aspirin — F-ever, Pa_in, Headac+he, Preventio.n Of Heart At*tack, -Inflammation Mec.lizine — N'ausea, +Vomiting, Diz+zin.ess, Motion Sick,ness,' Vertigo' Flovent — Ast_hma, Inha'ler Gerif.orte Pletal' — Vascu_lar Dis*ease, Interm.ittent Claud.ication, Leg. Pain, +Poor Circulat.ion P'etcam (Metacam+) Oral Suspen,sion — Pe-ts, Pain,, Analgesic, O_steoart'hritis _In Dogs FAP erec*t*ile dysfunction _Gentamicin Ey.e Drops, (Al-comicin, Api_gent, Bio+garacin, C.idomycin, Diakar+mon, Epigen_t, Garam_icina, Ga*ramycin, ,Genoptic, Ge_nsumycin, G+enta'lline, Gentamen, G'ent-amina, G_entamytrex, Genta_rad, +Gentasporin,, Genticin, Gent*icyn,_ Ophtagr.am, Optimycin*, Refobaci*n, Sulmycin_) Eating -Disorder t-wilite edem-a Broncho-spasm RE-M Again- [remagain] (sl+eeping aid, s.leep .aid, slee.ping pills, slee.paid) i,nvega Sumenta. bq+l Styplon _ Avodart — Benign, P-rostatic Hyperpla+sia, BPH, .Baldness, 'Enlarge+d Prost_ate caba'ser leponex Protop-ic Ointme+nt Clofa-zimine — Lep*rosy Tofr-anil — Depres's+ion, Antidep_ressant, Enures+is, Be.dwetting Ri*bavirin — RS_V Infection,_ Hepatitis- C St,romectol (*ivermecti-n, Mectizan, Iv'exterm, A.vermectin.) zet-alo Cialis + Vi,agra Powerpac*k [ciali_sviagra] (Ta'dal'afil, Sildenafil,) Cl.arina Cream —' Skin H-ealth, Acn*e, Comedones, *Ayurved,a ocd mi-llipred et,opophos Busp.ar — An.xiety, Str'ess, Generalized A.nxiet*y Disorder, GAD-, Panic A'ttacks,_ Obsessive--Compulsive D_isorde-r, Social, Phobia, Agorap_hobia+, Depression- telday .Ultram (Tr'amadol, 'Adolan, Anad,ol, Contramal, .tramadal,+ Dolol, Dol,zam, Droma'dol, Ixpri*m, Ralivi.a, Trama.dex, Tra_mal, Tridura*l, Za+madol, Zydol,* Zytrim, *pain, ult+racet) Confi'do Cafergot [c.aferg.ot] (ergotam-ine tartrate+, caffeine). 13 T*ramadol (Ad,olan, -Anadol, Cont_ramal, Dolol, D+olza,m, Dromadol, tr+amadal, ,Ixprim, Rali*via, Trama-dex, Tramal,, Tridu.ral, Utram,, Ultram. ER, Zamadol, _Zydol,, Zytrim, pai+n, ultracet) *1.5.1% Dulcolax — Con.stipation', L_axative .ExtenZe [extenze] -(p_enis enhancement,* peni,s enlarg+ement, pen+is) Skin Probl+ems Fatblast+ — O+besity, We.ight Loss oflo,xacin fem*ale rx* plus liqu_id nortiptyline ,vigrx Avelox, (Moxi,floxacin_ hydrochlorid_e, Viga-mox, Avalox, *Izilo.x) Keratoconjunctiv'itis' Sicca Rhinocor*t (Budeso,nide, Rhin+osol, buden-ase) +myasthen.ia gravis Mr. ,Long [mrl.ong] dem-olox bone 'metastases- Viagra (Si-ldenafil c-itrate, Viagra,* *Generic Viagra, Kam_ag'ra, revatio , phro.d-il, Edegra, E,rasmo, Penegra,_ S_upra, Zwagra) ut.ram elocon z-etalo Tetr.acyclin*e [tetr'acycline] (S+umycin,, Terramycin,* Tetracyn, Pa-nmycin-) Tapeworms Zov,irax (Acyc_lovir,' Aciclovir, Cycl+ovir, *Herpex, Aci+vir, Zov_irax, Zovir-) rivasti*gmine caps,ules Yaz (Cri_santa LS) ['yaz], (drospirenone,* ethinyl. estradio'l) Emphysem-a Xopen-ex (Levosalbu_tamol, leva+lbutero_l, Levoli'n) Gentamic_in (Alcomici*n, Apigen't, Bi-ogaracin, C*idomycin, Dia_karmo,n, Epigent, Gara-micina, Ga.ram*ycin, Genoptic,. Gensumycin, G+entallin.e, Gen'tamen, Gentamin.a, Gentamy'tr*ex, Gentar'ad, Gentasporin, G,entic_in, Gen.ticyn, Ophta,gram, Optimyc'in, Refo'bacin, Su.lmycin) Lo'w Back P.ain dyazide Yaz. (Crisanta LS') '(drospiren'one, ethinyl estra+diol) Arj'una P-enis Gr_owth Oil — Pe.nis Enlargeme'nt Janum*et (sitag_liptin, me+tformin)- Nebivolol +— Hypertensio-n, H-igh Blood Pressur+e erec-tile dysfunctio'n sha+tavari KCS ste+rapre.d Chronic A,trial F-ibrillation ri,omet repaglinid,e Aciphex- (Rabepra*zole, Pariet,, R_ablet) Ayur Sli*m Weight .Regulator (W+eigh_t Loss, d_iet, diet .pills) Zyvox — Bac_t+erial Infections, _Antibio_tic, Pneum-onia, Di.abetic Foot- Virility P.ills c-abaser Arco-xia (Etoricox'ib, A,lgix, Taux,ib, pain) Robi,naxol — Mus*cle S'pasms adoair +ketoconaz_ole cream- Tetracycli_ne — Bacteri,al ,Infections, Pneum'onia, Antib.iotic St.op Sm*oking buccastem .duagen v_iagra for *women C_ordarone — .Ventricular F'ibrillation,, VF, Hemod*ynamicall_y-Unstable 'Ventricul.ar Tachyca+rdia sa-galon yea.st infect+ions Misopros-tol — Ga_stric Ul_cers, Ulc-ers Preven*tion, Stomach Pr.otection a'ltoprev pani'c a_ttacks sin-quan Pain+ Massage O'il — Pain, Ana,lgesic B'uspar (Buspiro+ne, Ansia'l, Ansice_d, Anxiron, A.xoren,_ Bespar, .Buspimen, B.uspinol, -Buspisal, Narol, -Spi_tomin, Sor,bon) Pyr_antel Pamoat.e — Hookworm,s, Roundwo_rms, Worm I-nfestations S_erum Sickn*es,s Obesity
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