Thursday, February 24, 2011

Get that higher income you deserve. california education

All bail !

We provide a program that will allow someone with sufficient work experience to obtain a fully verifiable Dgeree: Bacehlors, Docotrate or Matsers.

Obtain a prosperous future, money-earning power and the prestige that comes with having the career position you've always dreamed of.

Get a Promotion. Ticket to Success. Get your Dpiloma!.

This is your chance to finally make the right move and receive your due benefits. If you are more than qualified with your experience, but are lacking that prestigious piece of paper known as a diploma that is often the passport to success.

Give us a call NOW!

+ 1 - 646 - 537 - 1732
Please leave us your:
1) Your Name
2) Your Country
3) Phone No. with countrycode if outside USA

We will get back to you ASAP

Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Too busy to go back to school, but need a Univesrity Dgeree to get ahead? business equipment leasing

D E efs G R fr E E___P zjv R O uy G R mju A M

Obtain the deg ry ree you des wn erve, based on your present kn li owl pew ed ago ge and wo xax rk ex zfp per et ien om ce.

A pro mub spe wgb rous future, mo mj ney earning power, and the Ad xw mira qze tion of all.

Degre uhw es from an Estab dnu lished, Prest oko igious, Leadi uh ng Insti gvt tution.

Your Deg cxm ree will show exactly what you really can do.

Get the Jo uu b, Promot xz ion, Bu be siness Op bu portun ror ity
and So zg cial Advanc qh ement you Desi nqj re!

Elimi nr nates classr rti ooms and traveling.

Ach af ieve your Bache owu lors, Mas bt ters, M pg B jz A, or P txj h ws D
in the field of your exper ycn tise

Pr gs ofes grp sion vcn al and af cjc fordable

Ca hkv ll now - your Gr kc aduati wtg on is a ph dbx one call away.

Please c qu al fgd l:___+ 1 qeo - 6 ng 46 - 53 mzi 7 - 1 fva 73 kbx 2

Saturday, February 19, 2011

we have lists with emails for doctors, lawyers, businesses and many more

100% optin lists, Unlimited use/resale rights
One time only package prices only until Friday:

Any 4 lists below $149 - You choose!

* Complete US Physicians Database
* Chiropractic Doctors in the USA
* American Holistic Medicine Providers/Clinics
* General Dentists in the USA
* Dentists with Specialties
* American Veterinarians & Veterinary Clinics
* US Hospitals
* Nursing Homes int the US
* Pharmaceutical Company Employees
* Physical/Occupational Therapy Clinics and Therapists in the US
* Oncology Physicians in the US
* US Surgery Centers
* Massage Therapists/Therapy Clinics in America
* Acupuncturists/clinics in the US
* Medical Equipment Suppliers(USA)
* Mental Health Counselors (USA)
* Optometrists/Clinics (USA)
* Psychologists (USA)

Any 3 lists below: $129! (works out to only $43 per list!)

* Hotels in the USA
* Realtors in the USA
* USA Business Database
* Manufacturer Database (USA)
* Financial Planner Database (USA)
* Finance & Professionals Database (USA)
* Insurance Agents (USA)
* Canadian Businesses
* United Kingdom Business Database
* Media Outlet Contacts (USA)
* USA Lawyers Database
* Criminal Attorneys in the US

$50 each!

* USA Consumer Database
* Credit Inquiries Database (USA)
* American Homeowners

Contact me by email at this address for counts, breakdowns and sample spreadsheets:

to adjust your subscription status email to

Friday, February 18, 2011

healthcare/business and many other marketing lists available

This week only until Friday we are offering these packages

All 100% optin data / Full resale rights

You choose! Any 5 lists below just $179!

<> Complete US Physicians Database
<> Chiropractic Doctors in the USA
<> American Holistic Medicine Providers/Clinics
<> General Dentists in the USA
<> Dentists with Specialties
<> American Veterinarians & Veterinary Clinics
<> US Hospitals
<> Nursing Homes int the US
<> Pharmaceutical Company Employees
<> Physical/Occupational Therapy Clinics and Therapists in the US
<> Oncology Physicians in the US
<> US Surgery Centers
<> Massage Therapists/Therapy Clinics in America
<> Acupuncturists/clinics in the US
<> Medical Equipment Suppliers(USA)
<> Mental Health Counselors (USA)
<> Optometrists/Clinics (USA)
<> Psychologists (USA)

Your Choice! Any 5 lists below: $179!

<> USA Lawyers Database
<> Criminal Attorneys in the US
<> Hotels in the USA
<> Realtors in the USA
<> USA Business Database
<> Manufacturer Database (USA)
<> Financial Planner Database (USA)
<> Finance & Professionals Database (USA)
<> Insurance Agents (USA)
<> Canadian Businesses
<> United Kingdom Business Database
<> Media Outlet Contacts (USA)

Email me for counts, breakdowns and sample spreadsheets:

By emailing you will have your email taken off

Thursday, February 10, 2011

[rft 233ljbrlnmya11o5] : business to business mailing lists

Package Deals This week:


- Doctors (34 different specialties)
- Chiropractors
- Alternative Medicine
- Dentists
- Dentists with Specialties
- Veterinarians
- Hospitals
- National Health Service Corp Clinics
- Nursing Homes
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Physical Therapists
- Oncology Doctors
- US Surgery Centers
- Massage Therapists
- Acupuncturists
- Medical Equipment Suppliers
- Mental Health Counselors
- Visiting Nurses & RN's
- Optometrists
- Psychologists



- Hotels
- Real Estate Agents
- American Business Email List
- US New Business Database
- Manufacturers Database
- Financial Planners Database
- Finance and Money Professionals Database
- Insurance Agents
- Canadian Businesses
- United Kingdom Business Database
- Media Outlet Contacts



- American Consumer Database
- Credit Inquiries Database
- American Homeowners



- USA Lawyers Database
- Police and Sheriff Services
- Criminal Attorneys - 142,906


I would be happy to show you samples and counts for all our lists don't reply to this email instead please email me at this address:

To invoke no further correspondence status please send an email to

Friday, February 4, 2011

[rft 7] : Business contact list for Canadian businesses

Here are the most recent package deals we have available:


Package A: $249 for all complete lists below

> Doctors (34 different specialties) - 788k records/17k emails/200k faxes
> Dentists - 164k records/45k emails/77k faxes
> Dentists with Specialties - 30k complete records all with emails
> Hospitals - 7k hospitals with phone, address and fax
> Oncology Doctors - 2,200 records all with emails
> US Surgery Centers - 85k records and 14k emails

Package B: $199 for all complete lists below

> Chiropractors - 108k records/3k emails/6k faxes
> Alternative Medicine - 1.1million records/36k emails/39k faxes
> Veterinarians - 78k records/1k emails/1k faxes
> Massage Therapists - 76k records/8k emails
> Physical Therapists - 125k records/5k emails/4k faxes
> Acupuncturists - 23k records / 2k emails

Package C: $149 for all complete lists below

> Pharmaceutical Companies - 47k emails
> Medical Equipment Suppliers - 167k records/7k emails/6k faxes
> Mental Health Counselors - 283k records/7k faxes
> Psychologists - 272k records/10k emails

We also have Business, Consumer and Professional list packages available. For counts and samples please email me at this email address:

to terminate please send a blank message to

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

[rft 67] : business email lists

Below is a catalog of all our lists and the corresponding prices:

note: all lists are optin and sold with unlimited use rights

Any Individual list below $109 ea OR 2 for $179 (Only until Friday)

-> Complete US Physicians Database
-> Chiropractic Doctors in the USA
-> American Holistic Medicine Providers/Clinics
-> General Dentists in the USA
-> Dentists with Specialties
-> American Veterinarians & Veterinary Clinics
-> US Hospitals
-> Nursing Homes int the US
-> Pharmaceutical Company Employees
-> Physical/Occupational Therapy Clinics and Therapists in the US
-> Oncology Physicians in the US
-> US Surgery Centers
-> Massage Therapists/Therapy Clinics in America
-> Acupuncturists/clinics in the US
-> Medical Equipment Suppliers(USA)
-> Mental Health Counselors (USA)
-> Optometrists/Clinics (USA)
-> Psychologists (USA)

Take any individual list below for just $137 each (Only until Friday)

-> Hotels in the USA
-> Realtors in the USA
-> USA Business Database
-> Manufacturer Database (USA)
-> Financial Planner Database (USA)
-> Finance & Professionals Database (USA)
-> Insurance Agents (USA)
-> Canadian Businesses
-> United Kingdom Business Database
-> Media Outlet Contacts (USA)

$97 each (only until Fri)

-> USA Consumer Database
-> Credit Inquiries Database (USA)
-> American Homeowners

$112 each (Expires Friday)

-> USA Lawyers Database
-> Criminal Attorneys in the US

Reply to this address for details and samples:

If the email address above doesn't work, please call 1-206-426-0326 instead.

Send us an email to we will discontinue from the list